Achew! Pardon me while I reach for another box of tissues. It’s been awhile since I’ve had the kind of cold that keeps me up all night and napping through the day, but this week a doozy of a virus reminded me why it’s decongestants and not diamonds that are a girl’s best friend.
I tried to make the most of an excuse to lay low, but after a day or two of kicking around the house in my robe catching up on nighttime soaps (Empire, anyone?), I decided to get dressed and head into a morning session of the annual Design San Francisco conference.
On my way there I saw a woman in a pink bathrobe standing in front of a blue-green mural talking with someone on her phone. I thought, now that’s a nice color for a robe. Then, why is she out on the street in her robe? Was she inadvertently locked out of her apartment? Waiting for someone to drop off bagels to go with her coffee? I had more questions and would like to have rolled down the window to say “nice robe!” but the light changed and I was off to learn about color trends and how to buy and sell vintage furnishings online.
Cruising through the design showrooms, I didn’t see anything else as captivating as that spot of pink against the blue. Made me glad I’d rallied to leave the house.
Here are some other things that caught my eye this week:
This welcoming all-white interior.
A towel warmer turned drying rack for the laundry room?
Helpful kitchen tips.
Novelist Louise Plummer’s response to the sexist Colleen McCullough obit.
Writing advice that resonated.
So are you a blamer? Yeah, me too.
Happy Weekend All! Stay healthy.