Let me introduce you to my new pink dogwood tree—isn’t she a beauty? She went into the back garden yesterday along with a bunch of climbing vines and two fruit trees–a Kieffer lime and a “Panache” fig (classy, huh?) I spent a few peaceful moments last night watering everything in, grateful to have some new living things to nurture. Then I looked out into the open space beyond our fence to the area that technically belongs to PG&E but has plantings from a previous owner that we’ve now supplemented with some shimmering pittosporum. I laughed when I saw a large potted cactus I inherited when we bought the house now draped in leftover Christmas garland and transplanted in the field of Mexican salvia. Welcome to the beginnings of my goofy, glorious garden.
Whether you’re celebrating Passover or Easter or Spring in all it’s glory this weekend, I hope you, too, find a quiet moment to marvel at new life and unexpected juxtapositions.
Here are a few other marvelous things that caught my attention this week.
This temple went up in flames for all the right reasons.
How to make an attractive city.
A trippy light to offset seasonal affective disorder.
For your Easter Basket, a classy set of cards.
The story behind the annual Peeps Diorama contest.
Happy Passover and Easter Weekend All!

Your dogwood’s beautiful! I have white ones in the back and front yard, the front yard one is just starting to bloom. They are so graceful, aren’t they? The shape of the flowers? I look forward to seeing your yard all planted.
Yes, they’re so beautiful! There will be two more white dogwoods with variegated leaves in the front. Some of the things I’m most looking forward to tending in the new garden.