You know how big events often dog pile in your calendar rather than lining up in an orderly fashion? That was my June. It all started with our daughter Sydney’s graduation from Harvard Law School. Harvard Law. Quite remarkable that. And then a week later her little brother Will’s graduation from MIT. Really, no words. Just a whole lot of gratitude (and some incredulity) that despite the stumbles we made along the way things turned out so well for our kids.
Rather than fly back and forth across the country to attend both graduations we rented a charming house full of nautical knickknacks on Cape Cod for the week in between.
We took leisurely day trips to learn about pilgrims and whalers and caught glorious sunsets on nearly empty beaches before spending most evenings watching home renovation shows because that’s what the kids wanted to do—go figure.
After touching down briefly back here in California we flew to Salt Lake City where Will was married to his lovely bride Lori.
Though Lori and her family threw the main wedding party outdoors in a picture-perfect orchard we hosted several other events including a cozy rehearsal dinner at Brigham Young’s former home where our gathered families toasted the handsome couple and sang Happy Birthday to me for my 57th birthday.
After sending the newly minted Mr. & Mrs. Pritchett off on their honeymoon with a paper airplane salute we headed home to finish up some projects in time to host a rollicking California celebration.
A few days later we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary with coral-themed gifts as dictated by the internet custom.
Every event of the past month was significant and there’s lots more to share about each one but for now I’ll leave you with a few insights from the month.
- Harvard sure knows how to “pomp” it up.
- As they wait backstage, soon-to-be MIT graduates are instructed to take their diplomas and “then remember to shake the presenter’s hand.”
- Lobster rolls rock.
- Every home renovation and sale on Flip or Flop turns out pretty much the same and yet you still want to see if they’ll score the sale.
- There’s no way to pack light when you’re the Mother of the Groom.
- Fertilize, fertilize, fertilize if you want your garden to bloom on cue.
- Mulch makes everything better.
- You can serve ice cream cake to 150 people over a 3 hour block with the help of a little dry ice and a rented freezer.
- Your husband of 35 years can still surprise you with the perfect anniversary gift.
Details to follow.
Nice to be back.

One Comment
Attractive, intelligent, talented, accomplished children. What a great joy! Congrats to all of them, and you, of course.