On the heels of Bouquets to Art and the San Francisco Garden Show comes the annual Macy’s Flower Show. This is the show’s 66th year and the Union Square flagship store is one of five Macy’s participating nationwide. The theme is Brasil, Gardens in Paradise which explains why I’m analyzing a giant toucan’s plumage near the Carolee pearls.
I look a little skeptical, right? But I was actually having a good time at the preview event figuring out how they’d constructed this Technicolor topiary. The toucan was sculpted by the artists at the Macy’s Parade Studio and then covered with 400 Star Anise and 7000 hand-dipped Brazilian Button Flowers. Its plumage is made from magnolia leaves that look surprisingly feathery from a distance.
The rest of the street level floor features overhead displays including a rainforest straight out of Romancing The Stone and some Carnivale-costumed mannequins. Along with their sequined siblings in the Stockton and O’Farrell store windows, these elevated showgirls made me wonder if the cast of Dancing With The Stars would come calling for their wardrobe at any moment.
Up on the second floor you’ll find a changing “Bouquet of the Day” created by prominent Bay Area floral designers including Svenja Brotz, Talin Tascian, Dominique Pfahl, Rhonda Stoffel and Michael Daigian.
Daigian was on hand for the preview event and explained that his design for the Bouquet of the Day was inspired by a trip he’d taken to Iguazu Falls.
“I had to include a water feature in my design and then lots of color,” said Daigian who surrounded a small fountain with magenta orchids, coral bromeliads and some spectacular yellow and red gloriosa lilies.
A wide range of events including floral design demonstrations by the featured artists on Tuesday and Thursday will be happening for the next two weeks. The demonstrations will take place in the 6th floor china department where floral-patterned china is featured during the show. Look for other floral frippery throughout the store.
Samba on over to Macy’s while the show’s still in full bloom. Sequins are optional.