I’m a magazine junkie. Ever since I was a kid growing up on the farm I’ve loved opening my mailbox and finding news from the outside world. Then it was Jack & Jill, now it’s World of Interiors, House Beautiful, Elle Decor and the New Yorker. Well, and Bon Appetit and People and EW and Vogue and Wired and Time. Oh, and O. My daughter says it’s only us and doctors’ waiting rooms that are keeping the publishing industry afloat.
Even if my mailbox overfloweth, I still like to look through a good newstand now and then for new-to-me periodicals. This weekend browsing at Issues off Piedmont Ave. in Oakland I discovered Issue 1(!) of Hole & Corner, an oversized British magazine about “craft, beauty, passion and skill”—with heavy emphasis on skill.
H & C is filled with artful images of tools and profiles of real-life cheesemakers, cobblers and lady tailors. The text includes words like “bedsit” and “pensioner” and other Britishisms that are vaguely familiar but charmingly foreign. There’s a tour through a Straw Museum. Need I say more?
Billed as an antidote to publications that are all about style with little substance, Hole & Corner is, as defined, a place to get lost in.
In case Hole & Corner is not available near you, check out their daily Tumbler feed - http://holeandcornermagazine.tumblr.com/

One Comment
Hello Kathryn,
Enjoyed stopping by your wonderful blog. Too much fantastic stuff to check out! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and insights!