Over the summer I’ve been re-reading Wallace Stegner’s “Angle of Repose” and thinking how much more I bring to this reading now than I did when I read it in my 20s. Today I came across this quote near the end of the novel—
“For several weeks now I have had the sense of something about to come to an end—that old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air. . .another fall, another turned page.”
Here in the Oakland hills September means glorious sunsets and warm—sometimes too warm—days. The deer grow bold and forage for food under our noses. Every night as the golden hour begins they cross the road from the open space and sniff around my front yard hoping to score some fallen apples. Yesterday I played peek-a-boo with an antlered buck as I made my way to and from the mailbox then sat on the front deck reading the latest issue of the New Yorker as he and his family milled about under the oaks. They made good company for turning pages.
Here are some other lovely things I observed this week—
Beautiful DIY blue wrapping paper
A cool but vertigo-inducing off-the-cliff dwelling in Australia.
Helpful humor for household dilemmas.
How techies limit tech time for their kids.
Two very different work spaces for two talented fashion designers—Vera Wang’s monochromatic zen office and Diane Von Furstenburg’s colorful library office .
And speaking of fashion, I’ve mentioned before that my daughter Claire designs sets for the fashion industry. It’s always fun during NYFW to see what she’s been up to. Check out the Barbie-pink suburban house surrounded by pink gravel and pink shag carpet she worked on for the Marc Jacobs Spring 2015 fashion show. Wow!
Happy Weekend All!