Feeling redundant this week after being told that the Home & Garden section for the Bay Area News Group is going away. I suppose it was inevitable. Anyone reading (or writing for) newspapers has seen design coverage diminish drastically over the years so I won’t bore you with sad talk about How it Used to Be. But I couldn’t let this Friday Things post pass without saying that I will miss writing (and reading!) longer features about Bay Area design professionals, projects and events for a newspaper group that has been my home for twenty some years.
Here’s to figuring out new ways to share the stories that I’m pretty sure people still want to read. In the meantime, I’m here. Saying hi. Talking about design at home, in the garden and out and about. Thanks for sticking with me.
In happier news, here are some things that caught my attention this week:
Design knows no age limit.
Life hacks for people over 50.
Ideal body types through the ages.
How much do you resemble your ancestors?
Some thoughts on the Parenthood finale (major spoilers) here, here and here.
Dreamy or creepy? Jeff Bridges sleeping tapes.
Enjoy the game this weekend (or at least Katy Perry’s half-time show.)
Happy Weekend All!

And time marches on. I hope you keep writing – maybe at other online venues, if not, then here.
Thanks, Lisa.