Though we’re likely to get just a handful of trick-or-treaters tonight, it didn’t seem right not to have candy at the door. So, I swung by the local CVS and wandered the aisles looking for something to serve the brave ghouls and goblins who navigated their way to us. If I had a skeletal metabolism I would have stocked up on Midnight Milky Ways but having a bowlful around the house is just too scary. I could have chosen something MJ likes, like Smartees, but he’s trying to keep those devilish pounds away as well. I finally settled on a pack of assorted Tootsie Roll products. They’re not that tempting to me and wouldn’t induce a house egging from an intrepid trick-or-treater (I came all the way here for Dum Dums?) More than that, Tootsie Rolls were my dad’s signature candy. He always carried them in his pocket to hand out to kids at church or grandkids visiting the farm. If All Hallows Eve followed by All Saints Day and All Souls Day is a season for remembering our dead, I can’t think of a better way to honor my dearly departed dad than with a bowl full of Tootsie Rolls.
Happy Halloween!