After taking a few months off from home-remodeling projects to travel and entertain house guests, we’re back at it. Today I’m trying to hear myself type over the bang-crash-clang of demolition. If I didn’t know better I’d think some super heroes were duking it out upstairs. But no, it’s the super-duper tile guys demo-ing one small bathroom floor after another.
We were just going to fix the powder room floor–remember this?– but then when we found out it would cost as much to ship the tile for three bathrooms as for one we decided to go for consistency and replace them all at once.
As you can see, the master water closet floor is well underway. Nice to know there’s a little fuschia (waterproofing) zing beneath all that tasteful Ann Sacks taupe. Here are some other zingy things I liked this week:
How to appreciate your perfectly fine imperfect home.
Maybe by jotting down some “happy accidents” in this serendipity journal?
What a wonderful mix of serendipitous finds and intentional designs in San Francisco designer Steven Brady’s apartment–especially the dresser and lamps in the closet!
Speaking of closets, I had fun taking a peek into these two very different fashion editor’s closets.
Are your chairs perfectly paired or do you, too, have some lone rangers?
Oh my, there sure has been a lot of ice water flung about lately. What would happen if Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz decided to take the Ice Bucket Challenge?
Happy Weekend All!