Tag Archives: art

Silent Night

Under siege by prospective homebuyers, we escaped once again to the movies.  The 1927 silent film Napoleon was being staged in downtown Oakland at the glorious Paramount Theater. The East Bay Symphony would play the never-before-heard-in-America score by British composer Carl Davis and Davis himself would be conducting.  The entire production would take 8.5 hours [...]

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Cultivating Beauty

After the full-court press to beautify our home for its first open house this weekend, it was a relief to go play. And by play, I mean stay away from our beautiful house and find amusements elsewhere.  We took in some movies (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, yes!) and traveled across the bay to check [...]

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Kathryn Pritchett

writes about Things Elemental — where we find shelter, why we connect, what sustains us and how we strut our stuff.