Tag Archives: lighting

Alonzo King on Creativity

I’m always interested in how successful artists create their work.  A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to hear four different “creators” talk about how they do what they do at a discussion on the “Structure, Art and Expression of the Creative Process” at the innovative San Francisco showroom Coup d’Etat. Panelists included designer [...]

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San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2014

White-on-white library - Geoffrey De Sousa

All that’s gold glitters and shimmers (matte is in!) at this year’s San Francisco Decorator Showcase.  Held in a grand 1907 brick mansion in Presidio Heights, this showcase house offers the chance to see some of the best Bay Area designers showcasing their best work. The show runs through May 26–go to www.decoratorshowcase.org for tickets.  [...]

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Design Book Review: Remodelista


All right.  Time to stop getting distracted by stocking stuffers and get down to serious gift-buying.  If you’re giving to someone who leans towards contemporary design on a less than stratospheric budget, consider the collection of well-edited designs presented in Remodelista: A Manual for the Considered Home (Artisan). The book culls ideas from the popular [...]

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Falling Back

CREE LED lightbulb

Now that we’ve fallen back time-wise, I’m not only waking up before the sun but also ready to crawl into bed before prime time. Anyone else start to hibernate over the weekend? I’ve adjusted the timer on the back yard twinkle lights so they’ll come on at 6:00 am and again at 5:00 pm to [...]

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San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2013

SFDS Living Room - Catherine Kwong

Look for an extensive overview of the San Francisco Decorator Showcase in the Bay Area News Group papers this Saturday, but in the meantime here’s a peak at design elements that felt fresh and noteworthy this year. Contemporary Art as Inspiration Check out the Cy Twombly inspired floors in Catherine Kwong’s living room, above.  See those [...]

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Shady Talk

Sue Johnson Shades

For a house built in a canyon, our new place is surprisingly light and airy, unless you’re in our bedroom, which is dark and inspires hibernation most days of the year. That’s all well and good when Mama and Papa Bear want to retire for the evening, but in the January daylight it can be [...]

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Kathryn Pritchett

writes about Things Elemental — where we find shelter, why we connect, what sustains us and how we strut our stuff.