As in Augusts past, I’m enjoying Susannah Conway’s “August Break” photo challenge. Today’s prompt was “One Wish” and I woke up thinking that I have so much of what I once wished for, for which I’m very grateful. But as for a personal wish to photograph today, I’d just have to keep my wishful eyes [...]
Category Archives: Spirit
Where I’ve Been

Goodness gracious, it seems like forever since I’ve posted. Several readers have reached out to me wondering if things were all right in my world. Just letting you know that indeed they are. I’ve been traveling a lot, working on my book and best of all, welcoming a new grandchild. I’ve shared much of this [...]
Friday Things Considered: The Daffodils Edition

This weekend I’ll be celebrating Easter with family and friends. We should have a break in the rain which means there will be a chance to point out the pink dogwood and white wisteria in bloom. Alas, the five hundred daffodils we planted in December are almost gone. I’m sorry they won’t be here to [...]
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you’re spending it with people you love doing things you love. MJ has a teaching commitment tonight so I made Valentine cookies for him to share with his students and we frosted them together after enjoying a pre-Valentine’s dinner out. Note that I spread the frosting to the edges. He tried [...]
Kitty Cat Hats

Perhaps some of you are participating in the Women’s Marches being held around the country this weekend. If so, you might be wondering just what to wear. Many women will be sporting pink knit hats, otherwise known as “pussy hats.” I’m blushing a little just writing that out–which may be why it took me so [...]
New Year, New Intentions
Happy New Year! Hope the dust (or indoor carpet of pine needles) has settled and you’re now thinking about what the new year holds for you. As usual, this time of year, I’ve been both taking stock and looking ahead. One of the things I try to do in January is choose a word that [...]
Glad Tidings
May you find peace, good will and much wonder this holiday season.
“I wanted to see a woman lead the great nation, so my own spine could be straighter this blustery sunny morning.” Hilary Mantel The unthinkable—at least from inside my bright blue bubble—has happened and now Donald Trump is going to be our next president. As you may recall I was am a Hillary fan girl. [...]
Making a Difference with DIFFA 2016
For Bay Area readers, the holiday party season kicks off with a festive fundraiser supporting the UCSF Positive Health Program and DIFFA (Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS). Funds raised help care for men, women and children with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco. In the past, DIFFA has sponsored a gala evening showcasing tableware displays. This year, [...]